29er World Championship 2024
01/08/24 - 09/08/24
01/08/24 - 09/08/24
Aarhus, DK
In the summer of 2024 the 29er World Championships will take place in Aarhus, Denmark. This is the younger sister to the 49er World Championship and is one of the most competitive sailing races for young people between 15-20 years. From this group, future talents are often found.
With more than 500 sailors from 30 nations, this sailing event is a huge magnet, attracting sailing societies and families from the entire world to Aarhus, Denmark. They are gathered to support young talents and create an international atmosphere. For many of these young talents, this will be their first opportunity to perform at the highest level. It gives new sailors a better understanding of what potential there is for them in sailing.
The Ocean Race 1973 SLU is a Spanish company led by Richard Brisius, Johan Salén and Jan Litborn. In 2018, it became the new owner of The Ocean Race. As a successor company to Atlant Ocean Racing, it has taken over the Volvo Ocean Race from Volvo Group and Volvo Cars, the co-owners of the event for the past 20 years. Atlant Ocean Racing was created in 1998 by Johan Salén and Richard Brisius both of whom share a long history in professional sailing as well as the management of professional sailing projects.
Ocean Race stopover 2023 Aarhus
29/05/23 - 08/06/23
Aarhus, DK
RefurbishBike is an innovative company founded by Niels Nyhus in April 2021, with a strong commitment to sustainability and social responsibility. We provide a circular shared mobility solution that refurbishes abandoned bicycles, reduces waste, and promotes sustainable mobility. Our mission is to create environmentally friendly and economically sustainable transportation options for urban residents and visitors.
Circular Bicycle Fleet: We collect and refurbish abandoned bicycles in urban areas, which helps clean up the urban environment and reduces the need for new materials. This contributes to significant CO₂ emission reductions and supports sustainable urban development.
User-Friendly Technology: Our bicycles are equipped with smart locks integrated with GPS and mobile app control, ensuring easy access and high security for users.
In Holbaek by march 2025, the first full service “bike fits all” is rolled out - disable bike is now available within the “Urban Micro mobility fleet” by RefurbishBike
Urban Sport Aarhus is an annual sports event that brings together local and international participants for a variety of urban sports disciplines and activities. Since 2023, RefurbishBike, in collaboration with Event Aarhus and CEC Copenhagen, has provided mobility solutions for the event. This includes bicycles for officials, athletes, and other key personnel, ensuring sustainable and efficient transportation throughout the event. The collaboration is a prime example of how green mobility can be integrated into major events, contributing to Aarhus’ focus on sustainability and innovation.
Every year at the start of June, @NorthSide invites you to a fantastic three-day music festival, where the world’s biggest stars, as well as new rising artists are presented. The music ranges far and wide, so there is always something for everyone – also those seeking to expand their musical horizons. NorthSide creates experiences that cannot be found anywhere else, and it is almost impossible cover everything that Northside has to offer in just three days.
Northside 2023
01/06/23 - 03/06/23
Aarhus, DK
@TINDERBOX is one of Denmark’s largest music festivals. Every year it presents a star packed and broad lineup of international world artists, the best from the Danish music stage and electronic music, which blasts through the speakers on the explosive, electronic stage, Magicbox. Get carried away by the festival site, packed with dozens of happenings in its magic setting. Do not miss out on Comedy or the nostalgic 90s party at Groovebox, the view from the ferris wheel and the champagne hill, or the idyllic Moonshine and extraordinary culinary experiences. Tinderbox focuses on sustainability. For example, the festival uses reusable beer mugs only and waste is sorted into 15 fractions to recycle as much as possible. Furthermore, the amount of green energy will additionally increase in 2021. Sustainability, diversity, traditions and local anchoring are the cornerstones of the festival.
Tinderbox 2023
22/06/23 - 24/06/23
Odense, DK
GoSails.dk / WM Matchrace
27/06/23 - 01/07/23
Middelfart, DK
Bag Matchrace er et hold der kender til at performe. Som tidligere europamestre i netop Matchrace har stifterne Søren Tønder og Niels Kinch selv været en del af et af de mest vindende hold i verden. Siden 2005 har op mod 50.000 personer prøvet konceptet. Sammen med en gruppe talentfulde sejlere, som formår at forsimple sejlads, har vi hvert år omkring 3.000 gæster med på vandet. Hele 80% af gæsterne har aldrig siddet på en sejlbåd før. Alligevel formår de efter blot et par timer, at sejle båden rundt på en kapsejladsbane og få en fed oplevelse ud af det. Derfor er vi 2 år i træk nomineret som Årets Bedste Teambuildingleverandør.